Friday, March 20, 2009

6 months to live

I am taking a Psychology class for my degree, and the question this week was what would you do if you knew you only had 6 months to live. Here is my response:

If I were to die in six months, what would I do? That is an amazing question, I thought it would require some long thought, but it came for me fairly easy. I would spend as much time with my family as I could. I would not travel and see all the wonders of the world that I wanted to see. I would be in my yard raking, planting flowers (or at least stick some fake ones in the ground, I don’t have a green thumb by any means), playing hop-scotch, finger painting, throwing water balloons, and just enjoy what is left of my life. I would continue to teach my children how to respect people, how to have table manners, how to appreciate the small things in life.

For my children, I would write them a letter for turning points in their lives. A letter for them to read on their 13th birthdays, a letter to read on Prom, a letter to read on graduation, a letter for their 21st birthday, a letter for their wedding day, a letter for their first child. Give them advice, let them know some of my experiences, let them know that even though I am not there, that I love them more than they will ever know. For them, I will take a million pictures, and make them scrapbooks. I would record videos of myself, just talking to them, telling them about my life. I wouldn’t just do this for my own children, but for my stepchildren as well. My stepchildren are the most wonderful children that I know, and I love them as I do my own. I know that they are teens, and aren’t into hanging out with a dying stepmom, but I will make every moment spent with them, one to remember.

For my husband, I would write him the longest letter, and record my most inner thoughts. I would spend every night snuggled up with him, I would rekindle what has been lost for so long. I know that he would want to see me happy, and not in any despair, so I would hide it from him. I would take pictures and make memories. I would do all the crazy things he enjoys, that I don’t, like playing video games, watching The Unit, 24, and Dollhouse. I would cherish every last moment I had with him.

Outside of my husband and children, my family and friends would be the center of my world. I would not want them or anyone to sit around and cry at my funeral because I was dead. I would throw a BIG ole party, in celebration of my life, and family and friends!

1 comment:

Carlos said...

That is pretty deep. Good job looks like an A paper!