Saturday, June 2, 2007


What happens when you add together:
1 curious baby
4 dining room chairs
+ 1 dining room table
One VERY mischievous little Peyton!! Oh yeah people, he figure out how to climb things. Hes climbing the couch, dining room chairs, oh and my personal favorite, the entertainment center. Hes not even one yet, and hes into everything. I cant believe my little man is going to be one in 10 days. Its a very bittersweet kind of thing to think about.
Tonight I am going to go and see my sister and nephew, so I will be away from the boys for about a day or so. David is such a great dad, I am so lucky that I have him. I know to many dads that cant function without their wives. I am glad to know that I don't have one of those men.

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