This is the birth story I wrote last year after Peyton arrived!
I woke up Sunday June 11, 2006 with a sudden urge to clean. Nesting has kicked in quiet a few times over the last week or so of pregnancy, but this one definitely felt different! So I cleaned everything that was left to clean. For the most part I played it cool the rest of the morning. Well at about 2pm, I had this overpowering urge to go grocery shopping. I told David that we had to go NOW! Well an hour later we leave the house, and David runs a few errands while Elijah and I stayed in the car. It was after all 100 degrees outside, and the hottest day of the year so far! All day I had been having contractions, small minor things that I have been having off and on for a few weeks. At about 4:15 we arrive at Wal-mart, I grabbed a cart and headed on in, while David went next door to a video game store! The moment I step foot in Wal-Mart, something tells me to go home and sit down. I just felt like I was going to die, I kid you not!! Well, I waddled to the restroom thinking that if I pee, it will make everything feel better. So I grab my 26lb toddler and rush into the bathroom, all while he is protesting. Anyway, peeing didnt seem to make it better, but I figured that I might as well just get the groceries and do what I need to do while I was there. For the first time in months, I actually bypassed the baby section!! Sheer madness, I know!!
My contractions were 5 mins apart at that point!! When David found me, I was totally stocked up on meat, so we needed to get the rest of the groceries. He kept asking me if I was ok, and if I wanted to just leave. I am rather stubborn, so I said "no, we are here, lets just get the groceries and go!" Anyway, the 5 min apart thing. I looked like an idiot every few mins when I would stop dead in my tracks, close my eyes, clinch my fist and say "OH SHIT!" and stand there for a min, and just walk away like everything was all fine and dandy!!
We got home around 5:45 and I was just wore the hell out!! I thought that the kid was going to fall out of me, the pressure was killing me, I was baring through the contractions. I wasnt convinced I was in labor!! So I sat down on the couch and ate a Hot Pocket, jalapeno steak flavored, may I add!! By 6:00 I was having contractions 3 mins apart, so what did I do?? I went outside and blew bubbles with Elijah for about 30 mins. 6:30 I could barely move, the contractions were so strong. However my fear of giving birth was stronger, so I didnt budge from the house!! Somewhere between 6:00 and 6:30 David called the dr and he told me to come in. During this time, I INSISTED that I take a shower before I went to the hospital. (This is because earlier that morning, Elijah and I were drawing, and he colored on my legs!) So showing up at the hospital covered in blue marker, was not an option!!
All during this time, I couldnt get in touch with anyone at all. All the people that had been harassing me with "call me the minute you go to the hospital" were no where to be found. The only person that I was able to get in touch with was Sabrina, and shes in freaking NY!! This was about 7:00ish, and I told her that we were leaving to go to the hospital ASAP. I am a total procrastinator, so we ended up leaving the house at like 7:45pm, and got to the hospital at 8:00. Of course we were out of gas, so we had to stop for that first. Luckily we live around the corner from a gas station, and hospital isnt all that far either!
We found a parking space and walked into the L&D waiting room, and did our paperwork. And of course David knows every damn person in southwest Georgia, including the receptionist lady! Thank God, b/c she got us in there really quickly. Now this is where it all goes down hill LOL!!
I was sent to an early labor room, and told that a nurse would be in there in a few mins. Well a few mins turns into twenty mins. And then she had the balls to say "do you think your in labor?" when she was hooking me up, and seeing that I was contracting like crazy. She was just totally absent minded! After hooking me up to the monitors and leaving me in the room, she comes back and told me that she couldnt find my paperwork. Well it turns out that she was looking for paperwork under my maiden name for some reason!! At 8:45 she comes in and tells me that she found my paperwork, and that I need to be checked for dilation. So Miss Boney Fingers checked me and I was 3cm @ 8:45pm. At that point my mother arrived at the hospital, and called my sil to come and pick up Elijah. Eli had been in and out of the room and waiting room with David. Nine, Eli leaves, which of course makes me glad to know that hes somewhere rather than a hospital. David on the other hand was not all that happy b/c sil has dogs at her house, and David hates dogs.
9:15, I get checked again, and I was 4cm, with contractions every 2 mins. Miss Boney Fingers told me that I would be going to a labor and delivery room b/c I was indeed delivering tonight! Well thanks, as if I didnt know this!! So, she ordered an epi, and told me that the anasisologist will be with me in about 30-45 mins later.
At 10pm, I walked to the L&D room b/c the nurse couldnt find a wheelchair. She sounds lovely, doesnt she!? At 10:10, I got a lovely IV in my right hand, that I am still feeling a phantom pain from!! After the IV, I got a brand new nurse! I thought to myself, that I was finally saved from the hell nurse! Oh, how I would have loved Miss Boney Fingers after all that!! The new nurse kept telling me that the anastesologist is on his way. On his way? He finally made it to me at 11:45pm and 15 excruciating minutes later that was all over. He was rather mean and rude as well. I was having contractions while he was doing what he does, and he kept telling me to sit still. As much as I tried to sit still, it was impossible for me to not flinch!! He at one point said to me "I didnt do this to you, I am not the reason that you are getting this epidural, so sit still!" Which just made me feel even more helpless. Oh, and I was contracting in my back since about 6pm, just in case I didnt mention that earlier. I had back labor with Eli, so I wasnt all that unprepared for the back pain.
At 12:15 am, I was checked and went to 5cm. At that point the epi was doing great!! I was feeling a little bit of pressure in my left leg mostly, but it didnt outweigh the contraction pain that I was having, so I dealt with it.
At 1:30 am, I was checked again and was 8cm. I was physically and mentally ready to have this child!! But there were a few problems that needed to be dealt with first. For one, the epi that I received an hour and a half or so ago, was well beyond gone! I was having major pain in my legs, butt and back, but the legs were the worst of them all, namely my left leg. I repeatedly told the nurses that I was having a lot of pain in my leg, and I needed some pain meds, or a new epi. Well they didnt listen to me and kept telling me "Its just the babies head thats making you feel all the pressure. His head is probably close to a nerve!" Gee, ya think!! I complained and complained about this pain over and over, and no one would listen to me. The nurses kept telling me that the DR. would be in soon to deliver, and since my last delivery was so quick with pushing (Eli was 14 mins pushing) that if it was quick this time, the DR would come in as I was absolutely ready to push. Well of course I was ready to push the baby out, I knew that the pushing would be over soon, but the pain and pressure that I was feeling in my leg wasnt going anywhere any time soon.
(Before I continue, let me explain one little detail to ya......... There were 15 babies being born all in the same time frame (all boys btw), and guess how many doctors there were to deliver? ONE!!! My doctor, as well as everyone elses doctors were out that weekend!! How did I luck into that one, is beyond me! So the one doctor that was delivering was a Chinese man who I could barely understand. He had an assistant who truly was a Godsend!!)
Back to the story.... I reckon that the nurses were tired of hearing me complain, so they left me alone for like an hour and a half. At 3:02 I was laying in bed and I heard and felt a popping sound, and whoosh my water had broken.
3:10 the nurse came in to check me again, but it was useless since when she spread my legs, she said "WOW, I can see his hair!" 3:15 The Dr came in, and we started pushing
3:22 Three pushes later Peyton (who was still unnamed at that point) was officially born!! And the Dr left to go do some more deliveries, and left me in the hands of his assistant.
(Theres not to much more "times" so I wont bore you with the chronologicals of everything else!!)
The Godsend assistant told me that I had tore, and that I he was going to stitch me up. Well while he was stitching me, I told him to just stop. He looked me dead in the eyes and said "You can feel this?" I told him that I was feeling every last stitch being put into my body. Then he asked me if I felt pain when I was pushing, and I told him that I did. So he ordered some pain meds, and something to numb me up. Well, that came about 15 mins later only because he was being persistent about it getting there. Everything seemed to have been moving in sllllooooow motion that night! After the pain meds came, and the numbing stuff came, David and my mama left and went home. I was rather glad that they were gone! It had been a long night, and I can only handle my mother in small doses as it is! At 4:30 I finally got something to drink, and took some more pain meds. Oh, and as the nurses were cleaning up, and Pate was being weighed and measured, the nurses got a lovely yelling at by Mr. Godsend. And although the nurses getting yelled at was nothing in comparison to the hell that I was put through, I couldnt help by be joyed by it!! And of course the nurses were pissed off about being yelled at in front of other people, but I didnt care.
At 5am, I was taken to the maternity floor, and dropped Pate off at the nursery. I got all set up in my room, and was laying down by 5:30am. The kicker is what I predicted.... at 7am, the nurse wheels in the baby!! Mind you that this was after only an hour and a half of sleep, after giving birth. Luckily Pate slept, and I got a nap. I dont really remember all that much of Monday b/c I think I slept it all away! One of the few things that I remember was Elijah and David coming to the hospital, and how Eli was elated to finally see/hold his little brother!!
In retrospect, the labor and delivery happened rather quickly. I was glad that nothing terrible happened, and that I had a beautiful and healthy baby!
Now recovery: Here I am 2 weeks postpartum, still with stitches, still sore, still recovering!!! I am having trouble with pressure and pain in my pelvis and throughout my left leg. I am on pain meds for that, and they seem to be doing a bit of good, but not where they knock the pain out completely :( Other than that and fatigue, I am doing well. Emotionally, I can say that I am unstable. Its not that I am unhappy, its just everything is so overwhelming at this point. I am home all day with five kids, one of which is a toddler who a total daddy's boy!! The hardest part about it all is that I am still so tired, and I dont trust the steps enough to keep an eye on Elijah long enough for a 30 min nap, so I have to endure being tired all day. So of course between no sleep and hormones, I am an emotional train wreck!
Peyton, thank God, is an absolute joy! He sleeps great, only wakes up 2-3 times a night. At this point, its a pretty predictable time table hes on! (Knock on wood) He eats great as well. And he loves to ride, hes really good in the car!! Hes a great kid, I couldnt ask for a better baby!! Theres only one itty bitty problem......... the kid refuses to sleep on his own at night! I cant co-sleep, not at this point. I am still to sore, and sleeping is worse now than it ever was with my pregnancy. I am tossing and turning as it is, I cant do that with a little infant and a hubby and a two year old in the bed. So we are working on getting him to sleep outside of my bed. He will nap throughout the day in his bassinet, but not at night! UGH!! But I reckon if thats the worst of my problems, I am doing good!!
Eli and Pate are getting along ok. Eli is still in love with his little brother, he lets everyone know that he has a baby! Pate on the other hand isnt all that fond of Eli. Eli has gotten a bit on the loud side since Pate arrived, and I dont think that Pate is liking it to well. But this is just the first two weeks in, so we will see how this "loving" relationship pans out!!
Ok, this email has taken me all day to type, so I am going to end it now!! Here is a picture of Peyton. (Peyton's nicknames are Pate or Pator Gator, I have no idea how I came up with that one lol)
Thank you for reading this far!!
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