Wednesday, May 23, 2007

My bad boys!

Elijah certainly defies logic sometimes. One minute, hes clueless then next minute, hes thinking on his feet like a strategist! He has been potty trained since November 2006, and toilet trained for a whole 23 days now! I am very proud of him for all the efforts he tries to make while being a big boy! He insist on using the toilet all by himself, door closed with a book in hand. (Not a far stretch from a man!) This morning, I am sitting at my computer desk typing an email when I hear this sound "Mommmmmmmy, come here, NOW" so I spring outta my seat like a lion who saw a zebra fall. And walk into his bathroom to see his little hand covered in green poop, and his underwear around his ankles. I thought to myself "What and how the hell did you do that?!" Just as I get him to wash his hands, Pate comes flying into the bathroom. B/c you know running water near Peyton is like a fly being drawn to the light, its happening whether you want it to or not! I remove The Pate from the bathroom, to return to poopy hand man, where I realize that the sink is filled with all of these soap bubbles, and Elijah's arms are slick and slippery! It took me a min to acess what happened before the "Mommmmmy, come here now!" Elijah pooped (Ok, so I havent figured out how the poop got on his hand, but thats not hard to figure out!) so he attempted to clean his hand with baby shampoo that I stupidly left on the bathroom sink counter last night, after giving the boys a bath. And in the process spilled it on himself, the counter and the floor!
I cleaned up Eli, and the shampoo and told Eli "When I was pregnant 3.5 years ago, I never would have thought of all the things I would have to do as mommy!" Wait, something else just happened as I was typing this! I gave Eli a bowl of cereal because "I so starving" and now Peyton is sitting on the floor eating it. Theres milk and cereal and a very happy Peyton! Oy Vey!!

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