I have had a total blast today, hanging out with Peyton. The weather here has gone from sunny 80 degrees on Friday, Tornado's on Saturday, Snow on Sunday, to a breezy 67 degrees today! Its taken its toll on my sinuses and I REALLY wanted to stay in the bed and hibernate the rest of the winter away. But alas, I am mommy to a two year old, who snuggles in the bed for a good 2-3 mins at the most. So after lagging around for an hour or two, I decided there was NO WAY I was going to get a chance to get back in the bed, so I grabbed a couple cups of coffee, and totally woke up. So Peyton and I read for a couple of hours. I am proud to tell yall that Peyton knows all of his colors, all of the ABC' (Can recognize, say the letter and its sound) has had a HUUUGE vocabulary boom over the last couple of months. His memory is amazing, don't know where he got it from. Yeah, I do....He stole it from me when I was preg with him, I haven't been able to remember anything since I conceived him!! Back to the reason I am typing.....lalalala......so we read. After reading, we started to draw & then he wanted me to trace his hand. My brilliant butt, came up with an idea, which is going in his baby book. I traced one of my hands, one of David's (dh) hands, and inside of them I traced Peytons hand! Its so cute to see the size differnce. After a lil more drawing, he sat down, and ate his lil lunch, and I decided to clean off the entertainment center. Well, I had long gotten tired of the decore on it, so I removed it all. Peyton saw me dusting, and decided to join it. Thats when I got the brilliant idea to bring dirt inside. Peyton and I grabbed some flip flops and sweatpants (cause you can do that in the south, LOL) and head outside for our craft project of the day. We had a dying tree in the front yard, which the wind of the storm on Saturday had broken, and there was a huge peice laying on the ground. Peyton and I pulled twigs off of it, and from the ground. Then we dug up stones, and put them to the side. Now, getting a two year old to just hand over rocks, with no leaves, no dirt, no bugs or no grass, was a bit of a challenge, so we used a strainer outta the kitchen. We came inside the house, and dumped the rocks into a beta fish bowl (RIP Cookie-Fish) and realized it looked so empty. Low and Behold, mommy had sand that she got from the beach 5 years ago, sitting on her desk. So we dumped the sand in there, added the rocks, added twigs, went back outside, found some shrubbery to fill up the bowl, and added some fake flowers! Peyton want to pose with it, so I put him on top of the entertainment center. After the photo session was over, we listened to some music while I put some pictures into frame, and Peyton "dusted". I guess Peyton got a wee bit tired, so he fell asleep on the floor.
Peyton posing with the thing we did today!

End result.

Please ignore the rest of the entertainment center, the top is all you need to look at, LOL!

And then theres Elijah. He got home, right as Peyton fell asleep on the floor. He helped me pick out the last pic (the black and white one, on the right, of him as a baby with his Grampa!)

And last but not least, here is the end result of Peytons hard work!
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