Saturday, August 22, 2009
When He Grows Up
After washing his hands and leaving the bathroom, Elijah rubbed on some hand sanitizer (or as he calls it, Hand Sansatizer) and I said to him "Wow, thats a great job, who taught you that?" He said that his teacher did. I told him that's exactly what dr's do, and that his fave Dr does that too. I then asked him "Are you going to grow up and be a Dr, like Dr. Dixion?" He said "Nope, I am going to be a Power Ranger!" and off he went! Oh what ambition my lil 5 year old has!!
Friday, August 7, 2009
Bus Mishaphs :(
Monday’s school day went well; he got off the bus just fine. Tuesday was a whole new story, and here it is:
The bus Elijah is supposed to ride come and dropped of the children. I waited for Elijah to get off the bus, and then the bus pulled off. I didn’t think too much of it, he must have missed the bus I thought. I would have just gone to the school picked him up and called it a day. As I walked home, and called David and told him that Eli wasn’t on the bus, he flipped out. When I got home, he was scrambling to find the number to the school. I located it, and called to see where my Elijah was. Upon calling the school, I was told that they sent him home with his big brother. Hello, his big bro goes to a whole different school system, and I told them that. They kept putting me on hold, so I told them that I was coming to the school. As soon as I got there with David, they told me to go back to the bus stop and wait because the bus will drop him off. I went back and was there for about 10 mins when David called to tell me that they told him to go to the "bus hub" and get Eli. (The bus hub is a central location where the kids who live on the other side of town or in different neighborhoods switch busses.) David wasn’t even outta the parking lot, when the principal called him back to tell him that Eli wasn’t at the hub. David went back to the school and waited and fussed as Elijah’s teacher and the idiot Principal were trying to locate him. So at this point I find out that he was put on the wrong bus, they didn’t know what bus it was, and when they were dispatching, they were calling out a name that wasn’t “Elijah Boyd”, so of course he didn’t answer, he didn’t know who the heck they were talking about. As I stated, David stayed at the school as instructed and then eventually was told by the police officer that was called to the school, to go back to the hub. David called me to tell me what he was doing; at that point I was hysterical. Not long after, the Principal called me at home and told me that Eli was standing in front of her, and to call David and tell him to come pick up Elijah. I called David to tell him, I dropped the phone, told my stepdaughter that I would be back and to watch out for Peyton, and I flew to the school.
I honestly wish I could say that’s where all the drama ends. As I stated previously, they were blaming Elijah for not answering when they called his (WRONG) name on the bus. I felt soooooo soooooo sooooo bad for him being in a strange situation, on top of the fact that he has anxiety. He ran up to me and gave me the biggest hug he ever has in his whole entire five years of life. I could not believe what I felt when I hugged him, sweat! He was SOAKING wet in sweat. And the worst part of all of this? They didnt even offer him a drink.
And to top it the entire ordeal, the principal blamed me for not putting info on Eli. WTF?! I opened his book bag and what do I see???? A piece of paper that I filled out the day before with my name, address, home and cell numbers, my birthday, AND my SS number! What more do they need???? I guess blood, hair, and DNA samples!
It was the most emotional day of my life; I wouldn’t want to deal with that ever again. As soon as I got home, I printed out this HUGE ID tag that had every last bit of information on it short of his SS number, and made sure it was on his book bag. When he went to school this morning (I did put him on the bus) everyone knew who he was, where he lived, what his mom and dad’s names are. I thought to myself that this boy BETTER come home safely today!
He rode the bus home with no glitch today. As he was getting off the bus, I saw this big ole white thing attached to his book bag……….. It was an index card with his name, mine and David’s cell numbers (although they managed to get those wrong too) and his bus number on it! I found humor in it, but it served its purpose.
I am just so very grateful that my son is ok, and that he is back to annoying his brother and being loud.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Peyton goes to Preschool
Today Peyton has become an official Preschooler, and had his very first day of school!!! He has been ready to go for the longest time. He has been longing to go for the last two years of watching Elijah make a mad dash to school. He has talked non-stop about wanting to go to school. That is, until summer vacation started, and Peyton realized that there was something cooler than Preschool, Kindergarten. Peyton now wants to go to Kindergarten, and has been begging for the last month, to go.
He went with me this morning to take Elijah to Kindy, and Peyton cried more than Elijah did, it was rather funny if you ask me. But to Peyton, it was the WORLD. Not only was he not going to Kindergarten, but of all things, Elijah was able to stay........without him! That was so heartbreaking. He wants nothing more than to be with and away from his brother at all moments of everyday, life is so bittersweet, huh Peyton!?
Can you see how serious he takes his playing?!

Having a lil more fun pointing out the colors to me.

Ready for the day to start even before the sun was up and shining, Peyton was smiling :)

My lil man is an eager lil beaver, but I can see the nerves kicking in.
He went with me this morning to take Elijah to Kindy, and Peyton cried more than Elijah did, it was rather funny if you ask me. But to Peyton, it was the WORLD. Not only was he not going to Kindergarten, but of all things, Elijah was able to stay........without him! That was so heartbreaking. He wants nothing more than to be with and away from his brother at all moments of everyday, life is so bittersweet, huh Peyton!?
Can you see how serious he takes his playing?!
Having a lil more fun pointing out the colors to me.
Ready for the day to start even before the sun was up and shining, Peyton was smiling :)
My lil man is an eager lil beaver, but I can see the nerves kicking in.
School Days....
I remember my first day of school, I wore a fluffy purple dress, I was in Mrs. Light's AM Kindergarten class, and I sat near a girl named Kelly. I wish I could say that my boys will remember their first days of Kindy. Elijah started his today, and Peyton is officially in Preschool. Let me for a moment reflect on Elijah's very first day of his elementary school career....................ok reflection over!! Hes the only boy at his assigned table, and since hes the tallest in his class, I guess that makes him the alpha male, LOL! He told me he cried for a lil while today, and I am sure he did. I am so proud of him though, the crying wasnt going to be the worst part, wearing a uniform was the hardest part. The kid HATES buttons, but with a slight hesitation and NO tears, he put on his "button shirt" as he likes to call it, and his khaki's. He really wanted nothing to do with the outfit, but hes stuck with it for the next 6 years! Here is Mr. Handsome in his classroom...........

My Baseball Cervix
I wish I could say that I enjoyed my quiet time while the boys were at school today, but I spent it in a Dr.'s office. After a few hours of being there, being poked and prodded, I found out there is this huge baseball sized something on my cervix. So the next step is to get that removed, test and do more waiting. I am not sure of what order it will be, but I do know waiting is going to happen at all ends.
Peyton the Porch Monkey :)
My growing boy
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Kindy List
Elijah has a list of stuff he needs to bring to school on the first day, and I think its some BS. its like we are supplying the whole school for everything that they need. With all of this stuff, I would hope it would last till he reached the 5th grade at least :)
1 BOX COLORED PENCILS (Crayola Preferred)
1 BOX OF 2 GALLON SIZE ZIP-LOCK BAGS - The bags are sold in 1 gallon size and 2 gallon size. We would like the 2 gallon ziplock size.
1 Box Quart size Ziplock Bags
1 Box JumboCrayons (Crayola Preferred)
1 BOX COLORED PENCILS (Crayola Preferred)
1 BOX OF 2 GALLON SIZE ZIP-LOCK BAGS - The bags are sold in 1 gallon size and 2 gallon size. We would like the 2 gallon ziplock size.
1 Box Quart size Ziplock Bags
1 Box JumboCrayons (Crayola Preferred)
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Is she a loopy gal?

See the lady in this out of focus picture?? Shes currently a crazy woman dealing with a whole new world of junk. I switched my meds, and its taken its toll on me physically and mentally. I havent been able to focus, concentrate, read, think, talk. All I can do is cry, get frustrated and sleep. But with the kids jumping on me and needing me, I cant get any sleep while they are awake. Its not like I have a person to help me, oh wait thats what husbands are for. But remember I am a video game widow.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Rain Rain Go AWAY!!
I am so tired of this ole crazy ass weather. One week holds 90 degrees and 45 degrees, what kind of BS is that?? I wish I could say that the 45 was night time weather, but no, we had to pull out some sweat pants and hoodies for a few days. Now the latest annoying weather thing?? Rain, it seems like it hasnt stopped raining for a week, even though it has. The clouds go away, and its sunny in the morning, so one might think "Ok, no rain today, I can get some work done outside, and enjoy some sunshine!" but alas, it rains a little while later. Not just rain a nice little rain, more of a clouds get so thick it looks like night time at 2pm.
As the rain let up a little today, Peyton and I enjoyed a few mins of hanging out on the front porch, where I read and Peyt played. Peyt reminds me of the innocence and childlike qualities I seem to be missing as of lately.
Drinking the rain drops!

Yeah, my lil Peyton normally has a plumbers butt, thankfully you cant see too much of it in this picture!

It wouldnt be too much of a good day, if I didnt post a picture of my lil Elijah acting like a goofball!! Hes trying to do a flip in this picture.

My depression has set in a lot lately, and it has taken its toll on my whole household. Elijah and I but heads a whole lot on a normal day, but when depression is floating around me, we but heads a lot more. I am a calm laid back go with the flow kind of person, Elijah is not. Hes more high strung than everyone else in the house, and that clashes with me. Today is day TWO of summer vacation, and yesterday was a rough day, I totally lost my cool and just lashed out at Elijah, and scared him. It was near bedtime, I wasn't on my meds (Dr took me off of them, and told me to switch meds, but I didn't have the presc filled till today.) Elijah was sleepy and really cranky, crying over the size of his bowl that he was eating out of.
Some days I don't know what to do, and just want to end it all. I want to either leave or just kill myself. But then I think about all those people who grow up messed up because a parent left them, and I don't want that for my boys. I don't want that guilt on myself, and I don't want to hurt my boys. As well, when someone close to me committed suicide, it totally broke my heart, I would never put anyone through that pain.
But sometimes life gets the best of me, and I want to give it up. David doesnt have any clue as to why I am the way that I am, nor does he seem to care. He just seems to see me as someone who doesnt do shit all day. Hello, mommy is a tough job. (He at this moment is on Gears of War 2, and is driving me fucking crazy.)
People tell me to start being a bitch to him, lay down the law, put the iron fist. Yeah, its not working. I need some hope, ugh.
Some days I don't know what to do, and just want to end it all. I want to either leave or just kill myself. But then I think about all those people who grow up messed up because a parent left them, and I don't want that for my boys. I don't want that guilt on myself, and I don't want to hurt my boys. As well, when someone close to me committed suicide, it totally broke my heart, I would never put anyone through that pain.
But sometimes life gets the best of me, and I want to give it up. David doesnt have any clue as to why I am the way that I am, nor does he seem to care. He just seems to see me as someone who doesnt do shit all day. Hello, mommy is a tough job. (He at this moment is on Gears of War 2, and is driving me fucking crazy.)
People tell me to start being a bitch to him, lay down the law, put the iron fist. Yeah, its not working. I need some hope, ugh.

Saturday, May 23, 2009
Throwback Pics
Elijah is 5

If its not any indication by the picture, my baby Elijah is FIVE!!!! He celebrated his birthday at Chuck E Cheese's with family and friends. He spent most of the time there playing this game below.....

Who had the most fun though? My brother Damion! He was the biggest kid out there, and had that extra gleeming sparkle in his eye! His pockets were filled with tokens and tickets. I have no idea if he traded the tickets in, and if he did I have no idea what he got. Last time I saw, he had 1300 and that was just the first hour!!

Friday, March 27, 2009
Camping Out Inside
Tonight was supposed to be an enjoyable sleepover filled with noise, fun and "camping out" in Elijahs room. With a sick fevery, throwy-uppy Peyton, it ended in the living room with a Spongebob movie on the TV.
For some reason or another Peyton is mad at me, said that I made him sick, LOL! I was expecting the fever to come many days ago, when Elijah had it.
For some reason or another Peyton is mad at me, said that I made him sick, LOL! I was expecting the fever to come many days ago, when Elijah had it.
Friday, March 20, 2009
6 months to live
I am taking a Psychology class for my degree, and the question this week was what would you do if you knew you only had 6 months to live. Here is my response:
If I were to die in six months, what would I do? That is an amazing question, I thought it would require some long thought, but it came for me fairly easy. I would spend as much time with my family as I could. I would not travel and see all the wonders of the world that I wanted to see. I would be in my yard raking, planting flowers (or at least stick some fake ones in the ground, I don’t have a green thumb by any means), playing hop-scotch, finger painting, throwing water balloons, and just enjoy what is left of my life. I would continue to teach my children how to respect people, how to have table manners, how to appreciate the small things in life.
For my children, I would write them a letter for turning points in their lives. A letter for them to read on their 13th birthdays, a letter to read on Prom, a letter to read on graduation, a letter for their 21st birthday, a letter for their wedding day, a letter for their first child. Give them advice, let them know some of my experiences, let them know that even though I am not there, that I love them more than they will ever know. For them, I will take a million pictures, and make them scrapbooks. I would record videos of myself, just talking to them, telling them about my life. I wouldn’t just do this for my own children, but for my stepchildren as well. My stepchildren are the most wonderful children that I know, and I love them as I do my own. I know that they are teens, and aren’t into hanging out with a dying stepmom, but I will make every moment spent with them, one to remember.
For my husband, I would write him the longest letter, and record my most inner thoughts. I would spend every night snuggled up with him, I would rekindle what has been lost for so long. I know that he would want to see me happy, and not in any despair, so I would hide it from him. I would take pictures and make memories. I would do all the crazy things he enjoys, that I don’t, like playing video games, watching The Unit, 24, and Dollhouse. I would cherish every last moment I had with him.
Outside of my husband and children, my family and friends would be the center of my world. I would not want them or anyone to sit around and cry at my funeral because I was dead. I would throw a BIG ole party, in celebration of my life, and family and friends!
If I were to die in six months, what would I do? That is an amazing question, I thought it would require some long thought, but it came for me fairly easy. I would spend as much time with my family as I could. I would not travel and see all the wonders of the world that I wanted to see. I would be in my yard raking, planting flowers (or at least stick some fake ones in the ground, I don’t have a green thumb by any means), playing hop-scotch, finger painting, throwing water balloons, and just enjoy what is left of my life. I would continue to teach my children how to respect people, how to have table manners, how to appreciate the small things in life.
For my children, I would write them a letter for turning points in their lives. A letter for them to read on their 13th birthdays, a letter to read on Prom, a letter to read on graduation, a letter for their 21st birthday, a letter for their wedding day, a letter for their first child. Give them advice, let them know some of my experiences, let them know that even though I am not there, that I love them more than they will ever know. For them, I will take a million pictures, and make them scrapbooks. I would record videos of myself, just talking to them, telling them about my life. I wouldn’t just do this for my own children, but for my stepchildren as well. My stepchildren are the most wonderful children that I know, and I love them as I do my own. I know that they are teens, and aren’t into hanging out with a dying stepmom, but I will make every moment spent with them, one to remember.
For my husband, I would write him the longest letter, and record my most inner thoughts. I would spend every night snuggled up with him, I would rekindle what has been lost for so long. I know that he would want to see me happy, and not in any despair, so I would hide it from him. I would take pictures and make memories. I would do all the crazy things he enjoys, that I don’t, like playing video games, watching The Unit, 24, and Dollhouse. I would cherish every last moment I had with him.
Outside of my husband and children, my family and friends would be the center of my world. I would not want them or anyone to sit around and cry at my funeral because I was dead. I would throw a BIG ole party, in celebration of my life, and family and friends!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Fun in the SUN!
Oh what a day it has been. I have come to the realization that my boys are bored outta their little minds being home with me all day. (Well, Peyton is home with me all day, Elijah from 3 till bedtime.) And since I am restarting this stay-at-home mommy thing all over, I decided to have some fun!
Peyton and I went to the Dollar Tree (The best dollar store EVER! Sadly, I have spent about $75.00 in the last week which means that I have 75 random things around my house.) Today, I only spent 25 bucks, and bought nothing for myself!! I stocked up on bubbles, play-dough, window clings, coloring books, crayons, wall boarder. Peyton was with me, so he got to choose some of the toys which include but are not limited to....
Golf Clubs
Baseball Bats
Wiffle Balls
Baseball Bases
Water Guns
I cant remember what all he picked out, or what all I picked out. Most of it is hidden, hey dont want to give them everything all at once! Here is a pic of Elijah playing baseball. (I am proud to say that hes great at it, looks like I know what hes going to be doing this summer! He even picked out his number: 3)

Peyton decided he wanted NOTHING to do with the baseball, so Olivia and him drew on the sidewalk with chalk. Bad mommy that I am didn't take any pictures of that. I have been snapping so many of him lately, that I don't feel guilty about it, LOL! Then Elijah decided to climb a tree, so here is a picture of that!!!!!

When I was playing with the boys, I came to yet another realization....My yard needs a nice cleaning. So I spent the next two hours raking. Now my hands are sore, red, and blisterd. Oh, no pics of that, you dont want to see that ugliness!
And now I am headed to find a bubble bath (right after I finish my homework!)
Peyton and I went to the Dollar Tree (The best dollar store EVER! Sadly, I have spent about $75.00 in the last week which means that I have 75 random things around my house.) Today, I only spent 25 bucks, and bought nothing for myself!! I stocked up on bubbles, play-dough, window clings, coloring books, crayons, wall boarder. Peyton was with me, so he got to choose some of the toys which include but are not limited to....
Golf Clubs
Baseball Bats
Wiffle Balls
Baseball Bases
Water Guns
I cant remember what all he picked out, or what all I picked out. Most of it is hidden, hey dont want to give them everything all at once! Here is a pic of Elijah playing baseball. (I am proud to say that hes great at it, looks like I know what hes going to be doing this summer! He even picked out his number: 3)

Peyton decided he wanted NOTHING to do with the baseball, so Olivia and him drew on the sidewalk with chalk. Bad mommy that I am didn't take any pictures of that. I have been snapping so many of him lately, that I don't feel guilty about it, LOL! Then Elijah decided to climb a tree, so here is a picture of that!!!!!

When I was playing with the boys, I came to yet another realization....My yard needs a nice cleaning. So I spent the next two hours raking. Now my hands are sore, red, and blisterd. Oh, no pics of that, you dont want to see that ugliness!
And now I am headed to find a bubble bath (right after I finish my homework!)
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
St. Patty's Day 09
To start off with, heres the funny haha of the day........
M: Pate, its St. Patricks Day
P: Patricks Day??
M: Yeah, and we are going to wear green today!!
P: Mommy, when is Spongebob Day?
Now that you have had a chuckle, let me tell you about my St. Patty's Day...Yeah, there was nothing to it. I dressed the boys in GREEN, and that was about it. Not that I was a party pooper, I was SICK! I dont know what happened, but the weather got the best of me, and I had little energy. Sadly Elijah was stuck in a green plaid button up shirt b/c mommy failed to get him a t-shirt before hand, and thought about going to wallyworld at the last min. But mommy was sick on the couch, and it didnt happen! So alas, Elijah wore the thing he hates most in this world beside bedtime.....BUTTONS! The kids hates buttons. I dont know why, dont ask! But he wore them, and guess what (Shhhhh, its a secret) he didnt die! As a matter of fact, he looks rather happy here, doesnt he???

And here is a quick picture of mommy's lil "mean faced" boy, who suddenly learned a "sad face" is a better way to mommy's heart. Both mean and sad faces are so cute, and seriously the kid is smiling while doing both!

And then again, heres pic of both of my little monsters.
M: Pate, its St. Patricks Day
P: Patricks Day??
M: Yeah, and we are going to wear green today!!
P: Mommy, when is Spongebob Day?
Now that you have had a chuckle, let me tell you about my St. Patty's Day...Yeah, there was nothing to it. I dressed the boys in GREEN, and that was about it. Not that I was a party pooper, I was SICK! I dont know what happened, but the weather got the best of me, and I had little energy. Sadly Elijah was stuck in a green plaid button up shirt b/c mommy failed to get him a t-shirt before hand, and thought about going to wallyworld at the last min. But mommy was sick on the couch, and it didnt happen! So alas, Elijah wore the thing he hates most in this world beside bedtime.....BUTTONS! The kids hates buttons. I dont know why, dont ask! But he wore them, and guess what (Shhhhh, its a secret) he didnt die! As a matter of fact, he looks rather happy here, doesnt he???

And here is a quick picture of mommy's lil "mean faced" boy, who suddenly learned a "sad face" is a better way to mommy's heart. Both mean and sad faces are so cute, and seriously the kid is smiling while doing both!

And then again, heres pic of both of my little monsters.

Monday, March 9, 2009
Ok, so I made a stupid rash decision today! Despite my loony dr telling me not too, I made a very spontaneous decision......I bought tickets for my sister and I to see Dane Cook in Atlanta GA in June! I am soooooooooo excited! They are FLOOR tickets!! WHOOOO HOOOOO
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Night Night
Its 8 mins till midnight, so all I have to say is................Whoo Hooo, I am finally done with my homework! (For today!) I stupidly waited till tonight to start it, and it turned out to be a weeeee bit more complicated than I thought it would be. On a good note, it was quiet all evening when I did it. Elijah and Peyton didnt put up a fight at bedtime, David fell asleep on the couch. And Olivia was up till 11:00 doing homework as well. (I have never seen this child do so much homework, since shes been living with us).
Good night peoples, I will type at you later!!
Good night peoples, I will type at you later!!
I have been thinking about this since it happened, and I could help but to share it. I was at Elijahs school this afternoon, and was on the playground with the kids. I was talking to a bunch of them about their favorite shows, their birthdays, pets, etc,. Fun times I tell ya, fun times. That was the best time I had all week!! So one of the girls that I was talking to is Elijah's best friend, we will call her L.
L and Eli have been stuck together like super glue for almost 2 years now. L was over with me and the other kids talking, and Elijah was off playing with some other classmates. So one of the questions I asked them was "When is your birthday?" and they told me, to which my crazy butt said to all of them in the most suprised voice I could find "Oh, thats my birthday too!" Of course they were all excited, and didnt catch on. So I asked L about her birtday, and she told me, and I told her mine was then too. She put her hands on her hips, looked at me and said "Wow, we can have a party together, you bring the beer, I will bring the juice!" So sassy!
We got around to talking about pets, this one lil boy told me he had a fish, one girl had a dog, on lil one didnt have a pet but had a lil baby. L, said that she has a fish that her grandma bought her, and she named it Elijah! How freaking cute is that?
L and Eli have been stuck together like super glue for almost 2 years now. L was over with me and the other kids talking, and Elijah was off playing with some other classmates. So one of the questions I asked them was "When is your birthday?" and they told me, to which my crazy butt said to all of them in the most suprised voice I could find "Oh, thats my birthday too!" Of course they were all excited, and didnt catch on. So I asked L about her birtday, and she told me, and I told her mine was then too. She put her hands on her hips, looked at me and said "Wow, we can have a party together, you bring the beer, I will bring the juice!" So sassy!
We got around to talking about pets, this one lil boy told me he had a fish, one girl had a dog, on lil one didnt have a pet but had a lil baby. L, said that she has a fish that her grandma bought her, and she named it Elijah! How freaking cute is that?
Funny Kids
Wow, kids are the best comedians in the whole world. I see why they had that show "Kids Say the Darnedest Things!"
Mom: Hey Pate, how are you?
Pate: I not Pate, I HULK!!
Mom: Ok, HULK, how are you?
Pate: HULK good
Mom: What does HULK want for breakfast?
Pate: HULK eat green food
Mom: So do you want green food?
Pate: No Mommy Hulk, want hotdog
So it was a hotdog for breakfast. Not something I would eat, but hes been on a darn hotdog kick these last couple of days.
Another one, but from Elijah
Elijah: Mommmmmmy, come here.
Mom: Hang on a second, I will be there in a minute.
Elijah: Mommmmmmmmy, I have a surprise for you.
Mommy: Ok, where are you. (Hes always in one of a few places)
So I walk to the sound of Elijahs giggling.
Elijah: Mommy, I have a suprrrrise for you, dont get mad.
Mommy: Ok, I am covering my eyes.
I walk in there to see Elijahs hair is PURPLE!! Not just one part of his head is unpurple.
Elijah: Mommy, look I am a rockstar!
I proceeded to laugh, and start to scope out the room, to see what else is purple. Nothing that I can see is purple, other than his head and his hands.
Elijah: Mommy, do you like it?
Mommy: Wow Eli, where did you get that?
He then told me how he found it in his sisters room, and saw her put it on earlier that morning, and he thought she looked cool. A kid is going to impulate stuff, and thats what he chose to emulate. I also found out that he got the rockstar part from Guitar Hero, that we recently purchased!!
And the best part of the whole comedy routine was as I was putting some clothes in their dresser, and walked into a conversation about scary things.
Elijah: Peyton, a ghost is scary as a Zombie.
Elijah: Know whats scarier than a Zombie?
Peyton: HUH B-B (He calls Elijah BB sometimes)
Elijah: Two zombies!
Peyton: Noooooo!!! (And proceeds to run onto his bed, and hide under the covers)
And Eli then said something about the ghost and zombie were mean and going to get him.
To which Peyton figured out how to quiet Eli down for good by saying this simple lil set of words "BB, Misses Gulch going to get you!" And Elijah went straight into his bed and hid under the covers.
Anyone who has watched enough Wizard of Oz, as myself and my boys have, would know who Misses Gulch is! To the boys, Gulch is even meaner than the WITCH!!
And the last thing... (Which just happened a few minutes ago, almost made me choke, it was so funny!)
I decided we were going to do a lil Mexican themed dinner, and was cooking Quesadillas and Taquitos (lil rolled up tortillas with meat), and Elijah was helping me prepare it.
I put the Taquitos in the oven, and Peyton saw it and said "What dat?" Elijah said that they were "two key toes". Ok, I thought it was funny!
Mom: Hey Pate, how are you?
Pate: I not Pate, I HULK!!
Mom: Ok, HULK, how are you?
Pate: HULK good
Mom: What does HULK want for breakfast?
Pate: HULK eat green food
Mom: So do you want green food?
Pate: No Mommy Hulk, want hotdog
So it was a hotdog for breakfast. Not something I would eat, but hes been on a darn hotdog kick these last couple of days.
Another one, but from Elijah
Elijah: Mommmmmmy, come here.
Mom: Hang on a second, I will be there in a minute.
Elijah: Mommmmmmmmy, I have a surprise for you.
Mommy: Ok, where are you. (Hes always in one of a few places)
So I walk to the sound of Elijahs giggling.
Elijah: Mommy, I have a suprrrrise for you, dont get mad.
Mommy: Ok, I am covering my eyes.
I walk in there to see Elijahs hair is PURPLE!! Not just one part of his head is unpurple.
Elijah: Mommy, look I am a rockstar!
I proceeded to laugh, and start to scope out the room, to see what else is purple. Nothing that I can see is purple, other than his head and his hands.
Elijah: Mommy, do you like it?
Mommy: Wow Eli, where did you get that?
He then told me how he found it in his sisters room, and saw her put it on earlier that morning, and he thought she looked cool. A kid is going to impulate stuff, and thats what he chose to emulate. I also found out that he got the rockstar part from Guitar Hero, that we recently purchased!!
And the best part of the whole comedy routine was as I was putting some clothes in their dresser, and walked into a conversation about scary things.
Elijah: Peyton, a ghost is scary as a Zombie.
Elijah: Know whats scarier than a Zombie?
Peyton: HUH B-B (He calls Elijah BB sometimes)
Elijah: Two zombies!
Peyton: Noooooo!!! (And proceeds to run onto his bed, and hide under the covers)
And Eli then said something about the ghost and zombie were mean and going to get him.
To which Peyton figured out how to quiet Eli down for good by saying this simple lil set of words "BB, Misses Gulch going to get you!" And Elijah went straight into his bed and hid under the covers.
Anyone who has watched enough Wizard of Oz, as myself and my boys have, would know who Misses Gulch is! To the boys, Gulch is even meaner than the WITCH!!
And the last thing... (Which just happened a few minutes ago, almost made me choke, it was so funny!)
I decided we were going to do a lil Mexican themed dinner, and was cooking Quesadillas and Taquitos (lil rolled up tortillas with meat), and Elijah was helping me prepare it.
I put the Taquitos in the oven, and Peyton saw it and said "What dat?" Elijah said that they were "two key toes". Ok, I thought it was funny!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Project Mommy
I have had a total blast today, hanging out with Peyton. The weather here has gone from sunny 80 degrees on Friday, Tornado's on Saturday, Snow on Sunday, to a breezy 67 degrees today! Its taken its toll on my sinuses and I REALLY wanted to stay in the bed and hibernate the rest of the winter away. But alas, I am mommy to a two year old, who snuggles in the bed for a good 2-3 mins at the most. So after lagging around for an hour or two, I decided there was NO WAY I was going to get a chance to get back in the bed, so I grabbed a couple cups of coffee, and totally woke up. So Peyton and I read for a couple of hours. I am proud to tell yall that Peyton knows all of his colors, all of the ABC' (Can recognize, say the letter and its sound) has had a HUUUGE vocabulary boom over the last couple of months. His memory is amazing, don't know where he got it from. Yeah, I do....He stole it from me when I was preg with him, I haven't been able to remember anything since I conceived him!! Back to the reason I am we read. After reading, we started to draw & then he wanted me to trace his hand. My brilliant butt, came up with an idea, which is going in his baby book. I traced one of my hands, one of David's (dh) hands, and inside of them I traced Peytons hand! Its so cute to see the size differnce. After a lil more drawing, he sat down, and ate his lil lunch, and I decided to clean off the entertainment center. Well, I had long gotten tired of the decore on it, so I removed it all. Peyton saw me dusting, and decided to join it. Thats when I got the brilliant idea to bring dirt inside. Peyton and I grabbed some flip flops and sweatpants (cause you can do that in the south, LOL) and head outside for our craft project of the day. We had a dying tree in the front yard, which the wind of the storm on Saturday had broken, and there was a huge peice laying on the ground. Peyton and I pulled twigs off of it, and from the ground. Then we dug up stones, and put them to the side. Now, getting a two year old to just hand over rocks, with no leaves, no dirt, no bugs or no grass, was a bit of a challenge, so we used a strainer outta the kitchen. We came inside the house, and dumped the rocks into a beta fish bowl (RIP Cookie-Fish) and realized it looked so empty. Low and Behold, mommy had sand that she got from the beach 5 years ago, sitting on her desk. So we dumped the sand in there, added the rocks, added twigs, went back outside, found some shrubbery to fill up the bowl, and added some fake flowers! Peyton want to pose with it, so I put him on top of the entertainment center. After the photo session was over, we listened to some music while I put some pictures into frame, and Peyton "dusted". I guess Peyton got a wee bit tired, so he fell asleep on the floor.
Peyton posing with the thing we did today!

End result.

Please ignore the rest of the entertainment center, the top is all you need to look at, LOL!

And then theres Elijah. He got home, right as Peyton fell asleep on the floor. He helped me pick out the last pic (the black and white one, on the right, of him as a baby with his Grampa!)

And last but not least, here is the end result of Peytons hard work!
Peyton posing with the thing we did today!
End result.
Please ignore the rest of the entertainment center, the top is all you need to look at, LOL!
And then theres Elijah. He got home, right as Peyton fell asleep on the floor. He helped me pick out the last pic (the black and white one, on the right, of him as a baby with his Grampa!)
And last but not least, here is the end result of Peytons hard work!
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