We went to a Halloween party tonight. It went well for a little while. When we arrived Pate was asleep, and he was dressed normally. When he woke up, he had a dr's costume on, and people were roaming around in make-up and costumes, so he FREAKED out! Eli was some kinda something. He wanted to be a prince on a dragon, but ditched the prince outfit, and ended up in a cape and dragon costume. Pate was a dr, and I was the person he killed! It was my brothers birthday as well, it was a lot of fun. I am not sure if we will go trick or treating or not, the boys never have been. Elijah was soooo well behaved, I was so proud of him. There were cats there, so his eyeball started swelling. I feel so bad for him when that happens. We had to high tail it outta there, he was sneezing, coughing, achy, and miserable. He told us on the way home "I just wanna lay in my own bed and sleep". Around 5pm or so, he went to sleep, hopefully he will be able get some rest and sleep the night away.
1 comment:
Both boys look adorable, love how Eils costume was a mix of to
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