Eli was doing his normal "I wanna sleep in mommys bed" thing, so I laid down next to him and we started talking.
Mom: Eli, what do you want for Christmas?
Eli: Chocolate
Me: Ok, what else?
Eli: I realllly want a truck.
Me: What kind?
Eli: Just a big one you can push around.
Me: Hmmmmm, I think Santa can bring you that.
Eli: Ok
Me: Eli, what do you think Pate might want
Eli: Oh, he wants chocolate too.
Me: Is that all he wants?
Eli: No, I think he would like a bus to push around too.
Me: Elijah, yall already have TWO buses that yall push around.
Eli: Well I think that he would like a truck too then.
Me: Two trucks for two little boys, is there ANYTHING else you want for Christmas?
Eli: Naw, just a truck and some chocolate.
Then he told me good night, and that he loved me *infinity*, and then rolled over and fell asleep. I just layed next to him, and cherished the convo we had, rubbed his little back, played with his hair, gave him a kiss, and told him I loved him too.
I love the hell outta that little boy! He drives me totally batty, but hes a good kid :D
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