Eli was doing his normal "I wanna sleep in mommys bed" thing, so I laid down next to him and we started talking.
Mom: Eli, what do you want for Christmas?
Eli: Chocolate
Me: Ok, what else?
Eli: I realllly want a truck.
Me: What kind?
Eli: Just a big one you can push around.
Me: Hmmmmm, I think Santa can bring you that.
Eli: Ok
Me: Eli, what do you think Pate might want
Eli: Oh, he wants chocolate too.
Me: Is that all he wants?
Eli: No, I think he would like a bus to push around too.
Me: Elijah, yall already have TWO buses that yall push around.
Eli: Well I think that he would like a truck too then.
Me: Two trucks for two little boys, is there ANYTHING else you want for Christmas?
Eli: Naw, just a truck and some chocolate.
Then he told me good night, and that he loved me *infinity*, and then rolled over and fell asleep. I just layed next to him, and cherished the convo we had, rubbed his little back, played with his hair, gave him a kiss, and told him I loved him too.
I love the hell outta that little boy! He drives me totally batty, but hes a good kid :D
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Jumping and Family Day
Peyton decided, outta the clear blue sky, that he wanted to start jumping! No, not jumping off of things like the couch and step stools, hes by far mastered those feats! He wanted to propel his little feet off of the ground in an attempt to jump! This video was taken a few minutes after his first attempts, so its still filled with fresh "learning how to jump" moments! That was yesterdays masteries!
Today was "Family Day" at Elijah's school, wow was that interesting for 1 year old. He was surrounded by all these touchy feely 3 year olds! It was so cute! All of the little kids (mostly Elijah's classmates) referred to Pate as "Elijah's baby!!" I dont know who was more excited, Pate in that he was being surrounded by kids, or Elijah knowing he can show off his lil brother! Those kids pinched Pates fat cheeks, poked his belly, held his hand, gave him leaves, tried to teach him to snap his fingers, rubbed his head, and lastly attempted to pick him up. And the highlight of all this was learning that Peyton decided not to eat lunch (rice, chicken and green beans, things that he loves) because he found something a little more interesting: Peaches! That child ate his peaches, my peaches and Davids peaches!! After a lovely game of BINGO, we headed home, it was 1pm at that time, and Pate was KNOCKED out! (I won 2 rounds of BINGO btw!)
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Hes been scratched
I have been meaning to get in here and update, but everything has been so crazy lately. Lets rewind to last Thursday........Elijah gets on his bus, and is on his merry ole way to school. About 20 minutes later, I get a phone call from his bus driver, so many thoughts race through my head. She called to tell me that Elijah was scratched, not just scratched, but had his face scratched to where he had to be checked out by a doctor. We picked him up from school, and took him to the doctor. Of course what scares me is "Could he get some infection from this?" "Is my baby going to have a scar?" The attacker was a little boy who rode the bus, and this was his SECOND time scratching my baby. He as picked up from school, and reprimanded.
This is the most recent scratch:

This blurry pic is the first scratch. It always seems when I HAVE to take a pic, my batteries are dying in my camera. But you get the point.
This is the most recent scratch:

This blurry pic is the first scratch. It always seems when I HAVE to take a pic, my batteries are dying in my camera. But you get the point.
Monday, November 5, 2007
Pates new trick
See, three days in a row! Go me!! LOL :D
I just have to share Pates new thing. He discovered the Little Einsteins, and loves to do the "Pat Pat Pat Pat, put your arms high in the air and yell blast off" part. Its so cute! I am going to try and get a video of him doing it.
My main goal today is to get rid of some of the toys in the boys room. I am going to see what my lil sister can use for her kids, and then give the rest to Goodwill. Pate is going to help me!
I just have to share Pates new thing. He discovered the Little Einsteins, and loves to do the "Pat Pat Pat Pat, put your arms high in the air and yell blast off" part. Its so cute! I am going to try and get a video of him doing it.
My main goal today is to get rid of some of the toys in the boys room. I am going to see what my lil sister can use for her kids, and then give the rest to Goodwill. Pate is going to help me!
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Not awake yet
Its 7:30 AM, and normally I am not up this early on a Sunday morning. But today is a special day, a very special day. Whats so special you might be asking yourself, well let me cut to the chase....Its the day that Daylight Saving Time ends! So what does that mean? It means that I totally forgot about it, and went to go watch my homeboy Joel Olsteen at 8:30, only to be confused by the tv not letting me watch him. Christie Brinkley's Beauty products is on where my Joel should be. After a few seconds of confusing wondering whats wrong with my TV, I realized its not my tv, but my President! He changed the DST, without sending me a personal memo! LOL!!
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Bad ass updates :D

I am going to try and post a lil more! Even if I have to put a post it on my darn screen, or email myself a reminder to post in here more often! Lets start with Peyton, my little monster. Hes not really a talker, he more of a doer. He would rather do things than sit down and concentrate on minute things like reading or looking at pictures! Building thing with blocks or playing cars is more his speed. Hes soooo into Shrek its not even funny. And since he doesn't really talk, when he sees anything Shrek related, he screams and grunts. Its cute and loud all at the same time. Some times its loud like someone is cutting his lil fingers off with a dull rusted butter knife. He has Shrek toys, and loves every inch of them. His fave Shrek toy is one he stole off of my brother. I think its like a McDonald's toy or something, you press a button on Shrek's belly and he burps and says weird things.
Peyton has developed a few new habits lately, all cute and annoying in their own little ways. First is his obsession with the telephone. He insists at least once a night on repeatedly hitting the speaker phone button on the base of the telephone charger. And does he do it when we are close to it? Naw, he waits till we leave the room or are on the other end of the room to let the speaker go off. And he doesn't bother to turn if off, he just listens to the dial tone. Another thing about the phone is that hes started to babble into it, in his own lil Pate language. We bought him a lil play cell phone, but you know who has taken it upon himself to lose it! (His name rhymes with Relijah)
A while back, Pate discovered how to RUN! Its the absolute cutest thing to see a toddler run. He is a fast little devil, I will tell ya that. Its is so cute and so funny to see such a small shadow outta the corner of your eye. Sometimes he runs with his arms out toward his back, we call him Sonic when he does that.
Another thing that Pate has discovered is collecting and rearranging! He likes to take piles of things and either hand them one by one to you, or take them one by one and relocate them to a whole nother place! For example, the pots and pans might end up under Davids desk in his office/den. Or a whole basket of clothes might end up on your lap. So in all honesty, this has really helped him become a better cleaner. For a long time now, hes been super great about picking up his toys, now hes more organized about it. Granted hes a lot slower about picking up ALL of his toys, but hey he likes to do one at a time!!

Now on to the lovely child who is three years old :) Hes about as moody as a pregnant teenager. One minute the child is happy as a clam, the next minute his horns are sticking straight out flaming red. I want to strangle him sometimes, UGH! And I can say that without feeling bad or wondering what other people think, b/c all parents at one point want to shake the shit outta their kids, whether they admit it or not. A few minutes ago, I pretended not to know him, so I grilled him about things that we have been talking about lately, that he didnt appear to retain.
Me: Hey little boy, whats your name?
Eli: Elijah
Me: How do you spell that?
Eli: E-L-I-J-J-H
Me: How old are you Elijah?
Eli: Three, thats one two THREE!
Me: Well whens your birthday?
Eli: May 16 2004
Me: Whats your Daddys name, little boy?
Eli: David Boyd
Me: Whats your mommys name?
Eli: Bocrina Boyd
Me: Where do you live little boy?
Eli: In the galaxy on Earths.
Then I proceeded to give him his correct address, which he repeated back. I asked him again where he lived, and insisted he lived in a galaxy on Earth. Thats totally my fault! He has this Space Encyclopedia which we read and look at and talk about all the time.
Eli is getting so smart and knows too much! I love him so much, and am SOOOO proud of his little butt! Hes really quiet at school, and retains everything thing they say and do. His teacher said hes slowly coming around and talking. I hope that it gets easier for him as far as him opening up. Hes such an animal at home, non stop go and nonstop talker. He asks sooooo many questions, and I try to answer them to the best of my ability as honestly as I can for a 3 year old to understand. And if I don't know the answer, we are quick to look it up in a book or online. Hes so curious, I love it.
Now on to the devil side of my temperamental three year old. Like any kid, he is so hard headed and set in his ways! Putting on his shoes before school is a fight, they have to be tied a certain way. Of course I didn't know what that certain was was until today when my husband so nicely enlightened me. Had I known this, I wouldn't have to wake him up EVERY morning just to tie Elijah's shoes. But up until today, its been a fight tying his shoes. When he come home from school, the socks and shoes come off instantly. And occasionally he will strip down all the way to his underwear.
Elijah is so anal about certain things, but I guess arent we all.
Heres a picture of him, that I took earlier today, gotta love the expression, LOL!

Thursday, November 1, 2007
Tonight was Elijah and Peyton's first time Trick or Treating, and they LOVED it. I didn't get around to taking any pics, it was a hectic evening....cook and eat dinner, t-or-ting, bath, bed, and I got off to a late start. Eli was just a dragon, in his normal street clothes, no came or anything. Peyton was a giraffe, and the most adorable one at that. I might just have to dress him up just to take his pic b/c hes so cute in it. Anyway, I know this might sound incredibly stupid, but I took them one at a time. It was really fun that way b/c I got to experience them enjoying it rather than fight with them to walk faster, or not to push each other. Elijah went first, and had a BALL! He got scared at the man who lives right across from us b/c he was wearing scary mask. But after he loaded Eli up with candy, he all of a sudden appeared to be a "good guy" in Elijah's book. Eli got totally loaded up with candy, mostly chocolate.
Then I took Pate out, he wasn't in the mood for walking, so I carried his 26lb booty around for about 2 blocks. Peyton didn't want to hold his bucket, smile, talk, grunt or show any other emotion other than totally pissed off. It was dark, there were people in masks and costumes answering doors as I shouted out with too much entusiasm "Trick or Treat" so Pate thought this was all so odd. Fast forward to going back home....He had a piece of chocolate, and licked a lolipop for about 30 seconds before the sham of a holiday was over for him. He didnt care about doing any of the Halloween things, maybe next year :)
Then I took Pate out, he wasn't in the mood for walking, so I carried his 26lb booty around for about 2 blocks. Peyton didn't want to hold his bucket, smile, talk, grunt or show any other emotion other than totally pissed off. It was dark, there were people in masks and costumes answering doors as I shouted out with too much entusiasm "Trick or Treat" so Pate thought this was all so odd. Fast forward to going back home....He had a piece of chocolate, and licked a lolipop for about 30 seconds before the sham of a holiday was over for him. He didnt care about doing any of the Halloween things, maybe next year :)
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