Friday, April 27, 2007

April 26, 2007 - Thursday

For my child

The color of my skin doesn't determine my character

I am not a slave to the typical sight you see

The way I wear my hair doesn't determine my strength

Every person has a right to be seen and heard

No one has the right to take away anything you don't give them

Dont rape my soul because you dont believe in me

Dont take my innocence and naive thinking away from me

Teach me how to do things rather than harass me with your words

Show me your way is better, and I may see your point

Make me better for those around me

Feel my strength, hear the words I speak, see my truth

Listen when I tell you what that my world is brand new

You can take away from me what you want, but you cant take me down

Roll your eyes, arch your back, thumbs up or thumbs down, don't mean smack

Your impression of me, makes me, love me even more

Oppression, Impression, Discussion, these words all look alike

Take these words and make them yours

Dont stop talking, make yourself heard, speak out loud

Stand up tall, be your own self, everyone wants to spectate

Kick them in the ass, by not stepping to their level

Be brave, be strong, be who you are.

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